
Discover the latest breaking news and current affairs from across the country with the UK’s biggest commercial broadcaster.

Our network of trusted, award-winning journalists are positioned around the globe covering news that matters.

This app is constantly updated with politics, business, regional, technology, health and royal stories.

Key features:
– Breaking news – be the first to know when big news happens
– Constant live coverage of news, delivered as it happens using the best video and pictures
– Regional news – top headlines from around the UK
– News clips – watch your favourite programme reports again in articles
– Podcasts – listen to our best talent explain the story behind the headlines
– Blogs – read directly what our informed journalists have to say
– US – follow the politics and people who make news
– Youth News – follow our youth news service The Rundown


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VPN is required if you want to bypass geographical restrictions on streaming services. By using a VPN you can choose your location and connect to the correct server to overcome streaming blocks. NordVPN has excellent unblocking capabilities and can unlock most streaming services, no matter where you are!

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• Your ISP: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited

• Browsing Status: Unprotected

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